Why engage?

"We are a community of possibilities, not a community of problems. Community exists for the sake of belonging and takes its identity from the gifts, generosity, and accountability of its citizens. It is not defined by its fears, its isolation, or its penchant for retribution. We currently have all the capacity, expertise, programs, leaders, regulations, and wealth required to end unnecessary suffering and create an alternative future.”
― Peter Block, Community: The Structure of Belonging

If you live, work, volunteer, or participate in activities in Wetaskiwin, you are part of this community. As a community member, you have the right―and the responsibility―to help shape Wetaskiwin into a secure, connected, and inclusive community.

This is an opportunity for you to be involved, to engage with the City and other community members, and to share your solutions for the future. The Have Your Say Wetaskiwin platform is meant to complement the City’s in-person consultations (not replace them) so don't worry―you'll be seeing us out and about again soon!

Sign-up now to keep in touch with City efforts that interest you.