Municipal Development Plan: The City We Shape
Consultation has concluded
Bylaw 2074-24 to adopt a Municipal Development Plan was passed at the December 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.
DATE: December 9, 2024
TIME: 9:00 AM
LOCATION: City Hall, or via electronic video conference (link to be posted at
You are invited to provide input on Bylaw 2074-24, a proposed bylaw to adopt a new Municipal Development Plan in accordance with section 632 of the Municipal Government Act. The Municipal Development Plan is a statutory plan that provides a comprehensive, long-term, high level policy framework for development and land use in the City of Wetaskiwin.
To review the proposed Municipal Development Plan, please click HERE.
If you wish to address Council on this matter, you must register to speak by contacting Planning and Development at the phone number or email address below, no later than 12:00 noon on December 5, 2024.
If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may submit written comments to be presented to Council at the public hearing. Written submissions must be received by 12:00 noon on December 5, 2024, and may be delivered to City Hall, emailed to, or mailed to:
City of Wetaskiwin, Attention: Planning and Development
Box 6210
Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 2E9
If you have any questions regarding the proposed Municipal Development Plan, or to review a paper copy of the proposed plan, please contact Elisabeth Hill, Long Range Planner, at 780.361.4400 or by email at
The City of Wetaskiwin is in the process of updating its Municipal Development Plan (MDP).
The current MDP was approved by city council in 2011. Wetaskiwin’s updated MDP aims to reflect the recently created 50-Year Community Vision to help guide future growth in the city for the next 20 years.
We have completed three phases of public engagement and the proposed Municipal Development Plan has passed first reading by City Council. A public hearing will be held on December 9 at 9 a.m. before the plan goes to second and third reading by City Council.
Past Engagement
During Phase 1 of public engagement, the community was asked to share their hopes and concerns about future growth and development in Wetaskiwin. The information gathered, along with prior engagement, helped form five MDP policy areas for Phase 2 engagement: Heritage Preservation, Parks and Green Spaces, Community Well-Being and Safety, Economic Growth, and Transportation. To review the What We Heard Report which compiles feedback received during Phase 1 of engagement, please click HERE.
The purpose of Phase 2 engagement was to determine the level of support for the draft goals and objectives developed for the five MDP policy areas identified during Phase 1. In addition, the Phase 2 process provided opportunity for community members to share other ideas, recommendations, and opinions.
To review the What We Heard Report which compiles feedback received during Phase 2 of engagement, please click HERE.
Feedback from Phase 3 of engagement was used to refine the draft MDP and confirm the level of community support for the direction set by the MDP goals and policies. To review the What We Heard Report which compiles feedback received during Phase 3 of engagement, please click HERE.
Project Timeline