The City We Shape

Wetaskiwin's Municipal Development Plan

Read the complete draft plan HERE.

The City of Wetaskiwin is in the process of updating its Municipal Development Plan (MDP).

The current MDP was approved by city council in 2011. Wetaskiwin’s updated MDP aims to reflect the recently created 50-Year Community Vision to help guide future growth in the city for the next 20 years.

We have completed Phases 1 and 2 of the project process and are now within Phase 3.

Phase 3 Engagement

Feedback from Phase 3 of engagement will be used to refine the draft MDP. We are inviting the public to answer a survey to confirm the level of community support for the direction set by the MDP goals and policies. Community members are also invited to attend pop-up events to provide feedback and learn more about the draft MDP.

To participate in the survey, please click HERE.

Feedback from Phase 3 engagement will be used to revise the draft MDP before it goes to Council for approval.

Phase 3 Engagement Process

Previous Engagement

The purpose of Phase 2 engagement was to determine the level of support for the draft goals and objectives developed for the five MDP policy areas identified during Phase 1. In addition, the Phase 2 process provided opportunity for community members to share other ideas, recommendations, and opinions.

A What We Heard Report has been prepared, which compiles community feedback received during Phase 2 of engagement. To review the report, please click HERE.

During Phase 1, the community was asked to share their hopes and concerns about future growth and development in Wetaskiwin. The information gathered, along with prior engagement, helped form five MDP policy areas for Phase 2 engagement: Heritage Preservation, Parks and Green Spaces, Community Well-Being and Safety, Economic Growth, and Transportation.

A What We Heard Report has been prepared, which compiles community feedback received during Phase 1 of engagement. To review the report, please click HERE.

Project Timeline

Wetaskiwin's Municipal Development Plan

Read the complete draft plan HERE.

The City of Wetaskiwin is in the process of updating its Municipal Development Plan (MDP).

The current MDP was approved by city council in 2011. Wetaskiwin’s updated MDP aims to reflect the recently created 50-Year Community Vision to help guide future growth in the city for the next 20 years.

We have completed Phases 1 and 2 of the project process and are now within Phase 3.

Phase 3 Engagement

Feedback from Phase 3 of engagement will be used to refine the draft MDP. We are inviting the public to answer a survey to confirm the level of community support for the direction set by the MDP goals and policies. Community members are also invited to attend pop-up events to provide feedback and learn more about the draft MDP.

To participate in the survey, please click HERE.

Feedback from Phase 3 engagement will be used to revise the draft MDP before it goes to Council for approval.

Phase 3 Engagement Process

Previous Engagement

The purpose of Phase 2 engagement was to determine the level of support for the draft goals and objectives developed for the five MDP policy areas identified during Phase 1. In addition, the Phase 2 process provided opportunity for community members to share other ideas, recommendations, and opinions.

A What We Heard Report has been prepared, which compiles community feedback received during Phase 2 of engagement. To review the report, please click HERE.

During Phase 1, the community was asked to share their hopes and concerns about future growth and development in Wetaskiwin. The information gathered, along with prior engagement, helped form five MDP policy areas for Phase 2 engagement: Heritage Preservation, Parks and Green Spaces, Community Well-Being and Safety, Economic Growth, and Transportation.

A What We Heard Report has been prepared, which compiles community feedback received during Phase 1 of engagement. To review the report, please click HERE.

Project Timeline

Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024, 09:03 AM